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How to Scale a Building Consultancy Safely & Efficiently

Updated: Feb 7

Delivering good service and working hard are the keys to achieving rapid growth. Many businesses, during their formative years, operate on systems apt for their scale. But what happens when the growth curve steeps exponentially? We have been seeing this more and more on calls that we have.

Surveying company increasing in size

It's no secret systems that once served us might struggle to keep up. The rapid growth phase often sees a myriad of templates and methods creep into daily processes. While this may be manageable when everyone is in the same room, as the company expands, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain control. It can inadvertently impact brand consistency, service continuity, and quality assurance. As stated by one Director, "Anyone who encounters one of our documents should immediately recognise it as a reflection of who we are as an entity."

However, standardisation shouldn't stifle customisation. It is important to look for a framework with “guard rails,” providing ample room for innovation and customisation while ensuring the essence of the brand and service remains consistent.

If you're in this phase of transition, you're not alone. We can’t remember talking to a Surveyor or Director in the last year who isn’t totally flat out with work, hiring & growing.

Having visibility, alerts, and standardisation helps for operational control, and provides a framework to scale a building consultancy efficiently and safely.

Drop us a message if you want to know more

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